
Song Title:

Magical Mystery


Miami Moe, Daphne Dejah Rodney, Dehemetre McKenzie, Tony Rx Rodriguez

Album :

Generation Z

Genre :

Classical music, Rap

Release Date :



I lose my mind staring at the ******* wall.
My naked body is always wanting something more.
I feel your energy in the middle of your soul.
Oh, I know the way.
The way because of your soul.

I'm in love with your energy.
It's a magical mystery.
I think you got a gift to me.
You turn me upside down.

We've done tonight
And we tumbled on the floor
The stars are shining in the morning set you dark.
You are my Kingdom, in the center of my core

Reflections on my pain you come and hear it all

It's a magical mystery
I think you guys give to me
You turn me upside down

When I'm going to know you're missing me

When you never feel like misery

The greatest part of my destiny

You are

You turn me upside down


Fix your attitude when I approach

You barely know you’re the best

All you got to do is call my phone and girl I'm on my way

I won't break your heart no way

No one going to know your language is ok
Loving all night and we sleeping all day
Loving when you leave a whole mess on me

Mystery love, compost as you can
Please take me to your magical life
This is your wanting

Unleash the beast
You have permission to punish me


Take your position

Feed my addiction

Enjoy the mission

Turn me upside down


So I'm in love with your energy.
It's a magical mystery

I think you guys give to me

You turn me upside down


When I'm going to know you're missing me
When you not ever feel like mystery
The greatest part of my destiny
You are

You turn me upside down

Song Contributors

Dehemetre McKenzie


Daphne Dejah Rodney


Miami Moe

    Instrumentalist, Producer, Songwriter

Tony Rx Rodriguez

    Music Engineer